The Flemish Wave Revisited: Towards an intergenerational dialogue with dance heritage
Corpo-gambiarra: dance, costume and politics of the body
HARD TIMES GOOD TIMES - on discomfort, sublimation and movement
Problematizing Interdisciplinary Performance Through Noise
Hyperwithin: a shy dramaturgy in shadowtimes
WE GROW MUSIC! Ecologies of attention, discrepancy and multiplicity—real and imaginary—in embodied music performance
Als de kunstenaar zijn beeld inslikt
De Woensdagen
Friction & Tension: Weaving With Choreography’s Troubles
Professionalising the (teaching) artist through process drama performances
Perspectives on time in the music by Stockhausen: the experience of a performer
Creating the Artistic Identity
Intersecting repertoire
Moving towards Resilience: Joint creation through music and movement for local, refugee and immigrant children
Art Brut, Dance and Disabilities
Bewegen in “Musicking": Bevordering van sociale inclusiviteit voor kinderen in kwetsbare situaties
Het mede-eigenaarschap van het jonge kind in de artistieke performance
Connecting the Dots: Designing a unifying model for traditional and contemporary music performance practice
Towards Documentary Choreography. Intermedial Approaches in Working with Extra-Aesthetic Materials
Lichamelijkheid in de podiumkunsten. Onderzoek naar domeinoverschrijdend vocabularium voor Dans, Drama en Muziek
Denkende lichamen in dans. Somatisch onderzoek naar elektronische en algoritmische choreografie
The Golden Record: de wisselwerking tussen theater, klank en filosoferen met kinderen
Transmitting the body
Physicality in the performing arts: knowledge, creation, experience and transmission in times of lockdown