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admission master Vocal studies

STEP 2. Artistic entrance examination

If you meet the diploma and language requirements, you will need to pass the artistic entrance exam as a second step.

  • Planning artistic entrance examinations

    2.1 Dates artistic entrance exams Vocal studies

    Below are the dates of the artistic entrance exams.

    Would you like to be updated on all important deadlines and information regarding the entrance test via e-mail? Then sign up for our Music Infomail.

    We strongly advise students from outside the EU to participate in the first session of the entrance exams because of Visum issues and the time needed to arrange their stay in Belgium.

    Sessions Entrance exams Date Hour
    Session 1 Deadline registration 15.04.2024 12:00
      Vocal studies 02.05.2024 13:00
      Aural practice and General music theory 24.04.2024 13:00
    Session 2 Deadline registration 15.08.2024  
      Vocal studies 28.08.2024 10:00
      Aural practice and General music theory 03.09.2024 11:00
  • Administration fee & process of entrance examination

    2.2 Pay your administration fee

    To be certain that you can participate, the administration fee (€ 30) has to be paid within two weeks after registration. The payment needs to be done online within the application tool. The application fee is non-refundable.

    To complete your registration for the admission test, you must also complete a questionnaire and submit a motivation video. You will receive the link to the questionnaire when you complete your online registration. You can also upload your motivation video in this questionnaire.


    2.3 Prepare for the entrance examination

    We ask all students from the Economic European Community (EEC) to participate live in the entrance examination. Foreign candidate students not living in Europe can take the (exploratory) artistic entrance examinations for instrument /vocal studies and composition exceptionally via video recording. All candidates must make an online motivation video. Candidates who participate online will also make a recording of their practical test. Candidates for Composition make a portfolio (one pdf document) in addition to a motivation video.


    2.4 Live & online

    Live entrance examinations will take place at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerp. Candidates are expected to be available on the day(s) of the entrance examination and to arrive at the announced time.

    For online entrance examinations, the jury will use the motivation video and the portfolio. An online motivational interview with the candidate and the jury will take place on the day of the entrance examination.


    2.5 Results

    The results of the artistic entrance examinations are sent by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the candidate within one week after the end of the audition period. 

    A prospective student may register for the same entrance examination only once per academic year, unless at the express request of the jury after the first participation.



STEP 3 till 7. After the artistic entrance examination