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Art news

You have graduated from the Academy and start your search for work. Perhaps you've known for years that you want to start as an independent artist or you figured out last year that you would like to work in a museum. But how do you start this journey?

On this page, you can find all the novelties that are introduced in the arts sector and plenty of general and practical information that will help you find your way after graduation. With this, we hope to guide you as well we can in taling those first professional steps. Good luck!

Kunstenaarsstatuut becomes kunstwerkattest: what do we know?

Twenty years ago, the 'kunstenaarsstatuut' was introduced, an adaptation of the rules concerning social security focused on artists. Now we are presented with a great reform: the so-called 'kunstwerkattest'. The change was made possible together with the participation platform Working in the Arts. (source: Kunstenpunt).

Here you can find the recording of the webinar that Cultuurloket [in Dutch] held about this topic on 6 September 2022.

Internationale tewerkstelling [in Dutch]

? As an organization, do you send people abroad or do you receive foreign artists? Are you going abroad as a freelance cultural worker and do you want to know whether you have the right papers? Working in an international context raises many questions.

In this webinar, our consultant Marie-Louise discusses the main points of social security, labor law and double tax treaties within the framework of international employment.

How do you set a correct price for your work? [in Dutch]

If your price is too high, you will miss customers. If you ask too little, you will not create a sustainable income. Are you asking a price for a product/service or for the entire process? What is your work worth? Both starting and established cultural and creative entrepreneurs are uncertain about the value of their work. What value does your work reflect and how can you determine it? Why a pricing strategy? A clear valuation and pricing strategy is an important part of your operation. A pricing strategy should not only ensure sustainable revenues. Your price must match your story, your revenue model, your image and your customers.

In this webinar we look at the basic techniques of pricing. We also zoom in on a pricing strategy that often occurs in the cultural sector, the dynamic pricing. Finally, we test theory against practice and let experts from the field speak.

Want to know more about copyright and taxation? [in Dutch]

Are you a sole proprietorship or do you have a company? And do you invoice or do you want to invoice for the transfer of your copyright and/or neighboring rights? Then you know that this is associated with a favorable tax regime.

In this webinar, our experts Tobias Van Royen and Nico De Vries step by step analyze the copyright and tax law conditions and discuss a number of issues:

  • How do you transfer your rights?
  • How will you be compensated for the transfer of your rights?
  • Which amounts are realistic and in line with the market?
  • What about copyrights within personal income tax and corporate income tax?

Based on a few concrete examples, we illustrate the consequences of this for your revenue model, the relationship with your customers and the administration that is involved. Finally, we also give you useful tips & tricks.

Can't get enough of these webinars? There are a lot more on the Youtube channel of Cultuurloket. Good luck!