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Start of Art & Ecology Reading Group

The Art & Ecology research group at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts is happy to announce the first meeting of the newly created Art & Ecology Reading Group. Our first gathering will take place during Articulate, on Wednesday, October 23, from 5 till 7 pm. As the location still needs to be confirmed, we’ll gather in the entrance hall of the academy at 5 pm that day. 

From then on, the Art & Ecology Reading Group will gather monthly at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Each meeting, we will read and discuss relevant and urgent selected articles within the field of enquiry of the Art & Ecology research group. The group welcomes everyone - researchers, staff, students, alumni or otherwise - who wishes to participate.  

During our first meeting on October 23, we'll discuss the first (‘Symbiosis Everywhere’) and third chapter (‘Individuality by Incorporation’) of Lynn Margulis’s groundbreaking publication Symbiotic Planet: a New View of Evolution, which was first published by Basic Books in 1998.

In order to make sure that the text parts which we'll discuss together on October 23 will be available in time to everyone, please find a scan of these parts in the download link here. Please make sure to carefully read these chapters prior to the meeting; to underline the parts which you'll find most meaningful or will need further explanation or debate; and to make notes of anything you may find relevant to discuss during our meeting.

A subsequent session of the Reading Group is scheduled on Wednesday, December 4 - also at 5 pm. Please save the date!

We are much looking forward to welcoming you on October 23!

Warm regards,
Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Sina Hensel and Roel Arkesteijn