Ode de Kort’s artistic practice can be seen as an ongoing practice with different characters in a poetic and performative investigation of the inter-relationships between body and language. This process translates into installation, performance, text, photography, video and sound. In many of her works, the O is a kind of central axis through and around which other works and characters emerge. The practicing leads to an extensive vocabulary, namely a language that arises through, and interacts with its context. She works both with the material, (typo)graphic, poetic and performative qualities of these signs, while engaging them as transformative forms in the most diverse contexts. By zooming in and out, rehearsing and shifting, she is in search of rhythms and interspaces that allow us to (re)cognize sensorially.
During her four-year doctoral research ‘Practice: Towards an Artistic Methodology for Multisensorial Learning’ (2017-2021) at UHasselt and PXL-MAD she investigated multisensory forms of knowledge, and more specifically their potential in the transition between different media and disciplines. Considering knowledge as an attitude, she is interested in performative learning through practice and interaction.