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  • Meester(es) en model: free download

Meester(es) en model: free download

Frank Agsteribbe, Erwin Jans, Jan Joris Lamers, Lucas Vandervost, Sarah De Bosschere, Sara De Roo, Clara van den Broek, Tine Van Aerschot, Servaas Petrov, Andy Van Kerschaver, Karin Hanssen en Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven ask how we can interact with a certain model.
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  • New Stabat Mater in world première in the Conservatoire

New Stabat Mater in world première in the Conservatoire

Researcher Paolo Galli has written a brand new version of the famous medieval-Latin poem Stabat Mater for HERMESensemble.
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  • COMMONISM on Venice Biennial for Architecture

COMMONISM on Venice Biennial for Architecture

Book Launch ‘Commonism. A New Aesthetics of the Real’
September 26, 6pm Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas Urbanas) and Antonio Negri will launch the book ‘Commonism. A New Aesthetics of the Real’ (eds Nico Dockx & Pascal Gielen, Valiz Publishers) at the Venice Biennial for Architecture (Giardino Bianco Art Space – Castello, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1814, 30122 Venezia VE, Italy).

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  • 21 new master classes

21 new master classes

Every year, the Royal Academy organises master classes in collaboration with Sint Lucas Antwerp.
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  • 7 tips for writing a research proposal

7 tips for writing a research proposal

These 7 tips provide you with a decent base to start working on an artistic research proposal, ‘cause we all know that one's research is only as a good as one's proposal!
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  • Four new doctorandi

Four new doctorandi

In September 2018, four new doctoral students will start at the Schools of Arts, in collaboration with ARIA (Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts).
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  • New call for research proposals

New call for research proposals

The Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp launch a call for research proposals.
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  • Assia Bert writes book on Dora van der Groen

Assia Bert writes book on Dora van der Groen

Researcher Assia Bert writes a book on Belgian theaterlegend Dora van der Groen.
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  • Three new Track Report publications

Three new Track Report publications

The researchers at the Academy don't slow down. In two weeks time, the Track Report publications of Bence Rohanszky, Wim Wauman and Assia Bert will be launched.
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  • Belgian Platform for Photobooks

Belgian Platform for Photobooks

The symposium 'The Individual, The Political and The Photobook' was a day filled with inspiring talks and discussions.
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