Poetic encounter with the digital shadow: empathy and intersubjectivity in electroacoustic duo improvisations
The instrument(alist) maker: shaping artistic identities through instrument modification.
Teaching artistry: acting locally, sharing globally
From Stage to Page: An Experimental, Performance-led examination of the relationship between Musical Performance and Musical Analysis
De Stem van Vele Wateren: Acoustemopoëtische Compositie van Karmelitaanse Mystiek
Een glimp van elders in de liederen van Raymond Moulaert (1875-1962)
Hearing a Culture: Integrating Sound and Environmental Elements of Braga's Festivities into new compositions
Fair Games: Questions of Care in Curating New Music
Calling songs
ReSoXy: Herbeluistering van de xylofooncollectie van het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Tervuren