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The output of the artistic research at the Schools of Arts and the nexus with education takes various forms.
In the context of their research projects, the researchers organize a wide range of activities, from concerts, performances and exhibitions, to lectures, presentations and work sessions. Depending on its development phase, the research could need a deeper dialogue, a louder resonance or a longer reverberation. That is why some activities are for students only or addressing specialized peers. Other activities welcome a wider audience with an interest in research and art, from music, drama and dance to visual arts.
Additionally, the research team of the Schools of Arts curate a program in which research in the arts is opened up to colleagues, students and / or a wider audience. This includes for example research classes and the interdisciplinary NextDoors festival for students, but also the annual research days Articulate.
The wide range of activities that take place within the framework of the research projects at the Academy and the Conservatory can be found:
(Image: Expanding Academy, photo by Wannes Cré)