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After graduation

During the master programme, you will diversify your perspective on dance practices and research to rediscover what it means to be a dance artist today. After your training, you will be able to question and shape the working field.

Alumni and students are active in the artistic field, developing their own practice in - and not limited to: artistic residencies, festivals in Europe, research projects at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp and dance companies as repetitors and artistic assistants. They also work as dance teachers in different places in Belgium and in the Netherlands; as dance videographers; as freelance dancers in international projects, as choreographers and as curators of festivals.

Current students

Inês de Sousa Carijó (BR/BE), Ema Crnić (HR), Francesco D'Amelio (IT), [EMA] Emma Helena Dieltiens (BE), Victor Dumont (BE), Agnese Forlani (IT), Loïs Martens (BE), Sergi Parés (SP/BE), Julia Romain (NL), Cyriel Lucas (BE), Isabella Daffara (IT), Raphael Phillipe Damasceno (BR/SP), [EMA] Rebeca Fokkema (NL), Élie Fonfrède (FR), Fyllenia Grigoriou (GR), Marcos Martincano (SP), Jenneke Slaets (BE), [EMA] Libby Ward (BE/UK), Eleonora Vrdoljak (HR), [EMA] Ehren Verrelst (BE)


Rocio Barriga (SP), Myrthe Bokelmann (NL), Anne-lise Brévers (BE/US), Sarah Deppe (FR), Noelle Lahaye (BE), [EMA] Lot Jansen (BE), Emmanouela Pechynaki Mamounaki (GR), Eva Maes (BE), Sophia Danae Vorvila (GR), Christina Skoutela (GR)

Continue studying? That's possible!

After your master’s degree, you can follow the educational master in Music & Performing Arts, specialisation Dance (60 ECTS-credits). An individual study programme is put together so that the training can be followed in harmony with the artistic-pedagogical practice. 

Continue researching? That's possible! 

In case you would like to further develop your artistic practice in a research framework, you can apply to become a researcher at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp or the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Both institutions offer yearly calls for research programmes. If you are interested in applying for a research programme, please check the research call possibilities and research groups. You can also further develop your research with a PhD doctorate. If you have an interest in applying for a doctoral programme, please check out the PhD projects.

What we offer to our alumni

If you graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp, the former Herman Teirlinck Institute, Studio Herman Teirlinck or Higher Institute of Dance, then you belong to our alumni. The Royal Conservatoire Antwerp cherishes its alumni and likes to keep in touch. Alumni can enter or update their data through this form. Through our alumni group, you can post about your artistic activities, tag friends and yourself in photos, and search for classmates or an artistic companion for a project.


? © Boris Bruegel - Polly Rocket - Christina Skoutella 2021