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When students come to study at the Conservatoire, they are entering a vibrant, international environment. With its many foreign students and teachers, students quickly become accustomed to many different languages and cultures. Students can also attend guest lectures and masterclasses given by specialised artists from across the whole world.

The Conservatoire has a strong link to the international and interdisciplinary arts landscape by virtue of its collaboration with the International Arts Campus deSingel, amongst other partners. The presence of international guest artists and professional ensembles such as I Solisti del Vento, de Theatermaker, Champ d’Action, HERMESensemble, and the Eastman Dance company provides students with wonderful learning opportunities and possibilities for (interdisciplinary) collaborations.

Exchange programmes for regular students

As a student, you can take part of your course abroad as part of the Erasmus+ programme. As well as providing you with the opportunity for unique artistic development, time spent abroad will give you the chance to get to know other cultures, develop your language skills and independence, and learn to situate your vision of society in a broader context.

Students are also encouraged to acquire international experience by taking part in a professional placement and/or artistic project abroad.

Exchange students

The Conservatoire also of course welcomes exchange students who wish to spend a period of time taking lessons here as part of the Erasmus+ programme or another exchange programme.

Due to the individual nature of our teaching, we are unfortunately unable to approve all applications, however. Each application is screened on its artistic merits and exchange students receive the same intensive support as normal Conservatoire students.

As an exchange student, you pay your tuition fees to the Conservatoire and your enrolment fee to your own institution.

During your period of study at the Conservatoire, you must organise your own accommodation. Reputable student accommodation can be found via the website Kotweb.

If you would like to come to study at the Conservatoire as an exchange student, please follow the exchange students admission procedure.