Edwige Cardoen began her singing career at the age of seven as a member and soloist in the Merksems Jeugd- en Kinderkoor (Merksem Youth and Children’s choir, at present Scaldis Cantat), conducted by Lieve Suys. In 1993 she graduated at the Lemmens Institute in Louvain, obtaining first prizes for voice (with Dina Grossberger) and solfège. Since 1993 Edwige has been a permanent member of Philippe Herreweghe’s Collegium Vocale. She also performs with several other ensembles, while pursuing a career as a soloist.
Edwige Cardoen teaches song, voice training, choir and vocal ensemble at the music academies of Willebroek, Ekeren and Merksem. Since September 2010 she has been a classical vocal music teacher trainer (Teaching Qualification of Music Department/ SLO) at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (of the AP Hogeschool).
Courses: Teaching Methodology Classical Vocals