Eugeen Schreurs studied musicology at the KU Leuven and won first prizes for chamber music and viola da gamba (Wieland Kuijken) at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels. As a gambist, he was active in various ensembles of early music and realized dozens of recordings. Between 2002 and 2009 he was director of Resonant, Center for Flemish Musical Heritage.
In 1991 he obtained his PhD on music life in Tongeren (late Middle Ages - 1797). His treatise was crowned by the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium. It formed the model for similar research in which he participated in Antwerp, Brussels, Diest, Ghent, Maastricht and other cities in the Low Countries. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher (FWO, 1991-2000) and as co-founder / coordinator of the Alamire Foundation.
Eugeen Schreurs is editor-in-chief of the Yearbooks of the Alamire Foundation (together with B. Bouckaert), of the Monumenta Flandriae Musica series and of the series Facsimile Editions of Alamire. He organized scientific exhibitions such as the exhibition Endangered Sounds II (Leuven, 2002).