Joel Valabrega (Milan, 1991) is Curator of Performance and Public Programmes at Mudam Luxembourg since 2020. She was previously working as an independent curator for both institutional contexts - such as the Hangar Bicocca, Triennale of Milan and V-A-C Foundation - and for independent project spaces such as THEVIEW Studio. Together with Davide Giannella, Giovanna Silva and Delfino Sisto Legnani she is responsible for the programming of MEGA, a Milanese project space. Between 2018 and 2019 she worked as visiting curator at the V-A-C Foundation, a non-profit institution dedicated to contemporary art based in Moscow and Venice. In 2019 she was part of the curatorial team for the programme PARLA ASCOLTA GUARDA FAI at Triennale of Milan. Her curatorial activity is carried out alongside research and collaboration with art magazines. She is the author and editor of several publications such as Autopsia di una Mostra (Autopsy of an Exhibition) and Form is void void is color (www.formisvoidvoidiscolor.com) and her curatorial activity is carried out alongside collaboration with art magazines.
Function: Artistic Practice: Expanded Scenography and Costume, embodied curating