Mathias MU | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Mathias MU

Mathias MU's artistic practice explores the mutual extension of physical and digital realms. Building environments for his digital artefacts, a visitor – almost like a character in a game – feels how they hover around in it, with an urge to collect objects and narratives. Often still with ergonomic features, his digital creations find their way into exhibition spaces taking a (temporary) physical shape. Mimicking organic forms, they are nonetheless rendered through extensive mathematical calculations. Navigating technological advancements, the latter are implemented into the artistic process, resulting in a practice that evolves, grows and expands, as do the environments he builds. Soundtracks, traces and non-linear timelines assist his exploration of gamification principles. The digital fabrication techniques he uses, are closely intertwined with the conceptual interest in the semiotics of contemporary relations, to shaping and gathering material.