Track Report 11/02B
What happens when one offers you a 245mm / 340mm piece of paper as your potential exhibition space? What happens when one also asks you to share this space with someone else? What happens when your collaboration is coming together as a blind date, only giving you a few hours to decide? What happens when this conversations unfolds backwards to your own self? Maybe this graphic novel explores some unexpected spaces producing the sense of a thing that has once been another thing.
This project is the result of a collaboration between Masterstudents of the Royal Antwerp Academy and Sint Lucas Antwerp.
SC / 24,5 x 17 cm
Author: Nico Dockx
Design: Michel Van Beirendonck
Print: GuidoMaes.Printingdeluxe
Year: 2011
(c) Aramer

(c) Aramer