Linus ’Blanket is the result of a 2-year research project at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Photographer Charlotte Lybeer focuses on members of groups who want to eliminate danger through "prevention", and on the influence of the culture of fear on the world of entertainment. In addition, she sought examples where the ecology of fear slowly creeps into daily life. She takes photos of the most secure chip shop, combat simulation sports and a 'how to fall safely' course ... Lybeer shows the facades that enable us to flee in periodically and controlled. The need to erect protective barriers and thus create a safe cocoon. The relaxation of the artificial fear and the threat of danger meet.
Safety is a concept that embraces a number of measurable parameters, but is otherwise determined emotionally. It is a human goal to at least minimize objective insecurity as much as possible through social choices, policy actions, regulations, employment conditions and personal decisions. On the other hand, escaping from it is also a strategy in which a place (a concrete place or mental space) is sought that is apparently free from insecurity, and that is also protected against the intrusion of risk factors of any kind. This type of escapism is a central theme in Charlotte Lybeer’s photographic work.
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