Tomorrow’s music in practice today: a practical guide towards deciphering contemporary music
This handbook will be your guidance in deciphering and discovering contemporary scores. The complex and new way of notating music can be overwhelming at first, but with Ine Vanoeveren’s tips and tricks you will develop new skills quickly, and improve as an independent contemporary performer.
This book, which covers separate musical parameters as well as general aesthetic guidelines, is intended to help music students in practicing contemporary music and in discovering new techniques, styles, and performing options. The many graphic examples by composers of today help illustrating the most challenging subjects and complex notation.
In this book:
• An extensive research in profound rhythm results in methods for deciphering polyrhythms, irrational meters, calculating tempo changes and complex meters, and tips for preparing scores.
• Throughout the years, Ine Vanoeveren has developed a color code method, which makes preparing scores a lot easier and more effective.
• From microtones, over Just Intonation, to extended techniques and graphic scores: extended notation is broadly covered in this handbook.
• What are the basic electronic skills and equipment a performer should have? How to make a click track for your most complicated pieces? Detailed instructions will guide you through the process.
• A chapter dedicated to the aesthetics of performing contemporary music. The importance of background checks, influences by visual art and specific collaborations form the basis of this CIPP, Contemporary Informed Performance Practice.
• Ever heard about ‘knitters’ or ‘sculptors’? Find out which practice process suits your personality the most!
The book can be borrowed at the Conservatoire library and is for sale through the reading room of the Conservatoire at an advantageous price:
€ 30 normal price
€ 20 for students
The book can be ordered via the website of publisher ASP editions:
€ 32.95 incl. Shipping costs
€ 21.95 for the e-book
From mid-February the book will be for sale via Amazon.