Residencies@thinkingtools | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Each academic year (from 2020 on), the research group Thinking Tools invites two artist-researchers for an intense, short-term residency of three months. With this project Thinking Tools wants to support and give visibility to those practices that critically question and experimentally apply the underlying principles of the photographic image process. In other words: projects that focus on ‘the photographic’. With this term we refer to a method of image production that may have originated in the invention of photography, but which by now has also seeped through into other artistic practices. In this sense, the research group mainly wishes to invite residents who follow a photographic production method in their practice, without their work invariably having to culminate in photographic images, even though the latter, of course, remains possible.


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Residencies@ThinkingTools is a collaboration with Morpho.

(Image: Sascha Herrmann, ‘LIGHT WHITE VITRIFIED’, 2018)