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Open working group

As a school, we value a culture of open dialogue. We therefore installed the official wellbeing working group for and by students, faculty and staff at KCA. This group leads the conversation around wellbeing and diversity, advises the school's policy and also develops its own actions.

The sounding board group meets about three times a year. Everyone is always welcome to participate in these moments of discussion.

There are also a number of sub-working groups. These sub-working groups meet throughout the academic year to work out actions and further the conversation about well-being and diversity. You can participate in the working groups without obligation; you are also more than welcome to join on a one-time basis.

  • Code of conduct: this working group focuses on the code of conduct which is revised every year with everyone who wants to participate. We are also thinking about how to create more awareness around transgressive behavior, what the reporting procedures are, ... Do you have something to raise, an inspiring example, would you like to cooperate ...? Then you've come to the right place. 
  • Diversity and inclusion: this working group takes initiatives to make KCA more inclusive, in different areas (from socio-economic diversity over validation to gender-inclusive sanitation). Do you want to participate in an action, raise something, think a conversation on a certain topic is needed, ...? Then you've come to the right place. 
  • Teaching @ KCA: this working group focuses specifically on the needs of teachers at the conservatory. Need for training, ideas for forms of evaluation, questions about your contract, ...? Then you have come to the right place. 
  • Working @ KCA: this working group focuses specifically on the needs of all other employees at the conservatory. Questions about workload, safe meeting culture, meeting forms, ...? Then you have come to the right place.


Contact: wellbeing.kca@ap.be