What was punk in 1978 and what is it today? What aesthetics does the punk use to shape his / her identity? Are sexism and racism also part of punk? Do no-future-nihilism and anarchism inevitably lead to violence? Is the anti-ideology of punk spontaneous and sincere or staged? What is the role of the media in the cultural-commercial-political manipulation of a movement as punk?
The big Do-It-Yourself debate is part of the Naughty Kids - Punk in Antwerp 1978-2018 exhibition. Concert organizer Anneke Chips, punk writer Didi De Paris, slam poet Lisette Ma Neza, sociologist Pascal Gielen, multimedia artist Anyuta Wiazemsky and Ersi Varveri & Gijs Waterschoot of artist collective The Pink House will tacle the punk clichés. It will be a heated debate, not to be missed in the bad joke that is daily life.
Moderator: Ria De Boodt (ex Aroma Di Amore)
Installations: Joris De Hondt and Leendert Van Accoleyen
Live broadcast by Radio Central 106.7 FM
Doors at 13:30
Debate: 14:00
Entrance: we do not ask for an entrance fee, but because we have a chronic shortage of coffee mugs, we ask each visitor to bring 1 coffee mug to the debate
The debate is in Dutch!
Location: Sculpture studio, entrance via De Lange Zaal in the Venusstraat
In the context of # AntwerpBaroque2018 and Articulate 2018 research festival.